Sunday, March 26, 2006

students face forward

students face forward
with paper primed, pencils poised,
minds open to learn

Saturday, March 25, 2006

ink paths

fingers trace ink paths
through ancient smeared manuscript
on way to wisdom

Friday, March 24, 2006

young apprentice

seasoned monk leans close
speaks words of encouragement
to young apprentice

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

arizona skies

sun sets behind trail
clouds arranged and colored like
arizona skies

it's not titled.

author's note: this is just a ten minute free write. might do something with it, might not. who cares? not me, not now. it's not titled.

You told me to lay my head down in the blackest of rooms. I told you I didn't trust you to keep the monsters away. You switched on the nightlight and asked if that made it better. I shook my head and the tears running down my face flew off to the sides. You sighed, but there was nothing but concern in your eyes as your brain worked through all the possibilities to make me sleep. I saw it there, but I pretended I didn't because I was still scared and didn't want you to leave. And somehow you knew that, so you came and sat on the bed and gave me a smile. I couldn't smile back, but I wanted to. You would smile for me if you could is what you said and then you said you'd stay until I fell asleep. I told you I wouldn't be able to, that the shadows were stalking me. And you gave me a look, some mixture of pity and worry and told me that they couldn't stalk me. They were just shadows. And besides, the whole room is shadows when there is no light. I wouldn't know the difference. And I told you I would. You kicked off your shoes and laid down beside me. Your arms found their way around my frame and our bodies fit together, my head against your chest, cradled by you. And I sighed. Because it felt so safe. And I forgot the shadows were waiting outside your embrace. But you didn't. So you stayed until my breathing evened, and even after. You didn't want the monsters to get me either. But you knew they would eventually. You tried to hold them off that night, and many nights after. But they got me anyway. And now I wish you didn't have to know that. I wish you didn't know you failed.

Monday, March 20, 2006

star bursts/man face down on ground

black outline of land
sky's blue deviates light/dark
star bursts white like cloud

man face down on ground
shares kisses and breath with rock
watch biding his time

Saturday, March 18, 2006

in lee of mountain

in lee of mountain
brown roofs breaking green forest
homes tucked amongst trees

Friday, March 17, 2006

crinkled foil flesh

crinkled foil flesh
with eyes delighted by sights
etched like lines in face

Thursday, March 16, 2006

work weary woman

work weary woman
back bowed beneath brambled branch
still smile sings sun's shine

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Monday, March 13, 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006

a little break from haiku

author's note: lots and lots of haiku around here and not much else. most of what i write i'm keeping private in hopes of future publishing opportunities, but i do have some work that won't be headed that way, or will look so dramatically different if they do that it doesn't matter if i posted them here first. without further ado, enjoy the break from haiku.

Teeth Marks

Teeth Marks
a something by mjk

Your words spoke of absolution, or some other long word you don’t know how to spell and don’t know what it means, but you like the way it sounds. And while you sat there tapping the pen against your bottom lip (it’s mine and don’t you dare stick it in your mouth even if you asked so sweetly for a bit of time with my ink) trying to come up with a rhyme, I told you maybe it didn’t have to, that the words could work magic on their own without a gimmick. Your eyes flickered upwards/downwards and fixed me with disdain, as if you are the poet and I am just the silly scrap of paper you’re scribbling on. Scraps of blank paper don’t talk back, neither do pens, so you act shocked when you see the mouth move and hear the sounds vibrate yet never stop to acknowledge the words I form. The thing of it is, you asked and I gave, then you took and you left and I’m just stuck here examining the teeth marks in the cap, wondering if they’re yours or mine, wishing I had brought another pen.

Lost Puppies

Lost Puppies
a bit of flash by mjk

Most were found like lost puppies, something stumbled over that can’t be neglected. Justin asked for an extra pen at the coffee shop which he eventually used to write down her number; Theodore needed a scrap of paper at the bookstore, intended for an author’s name but used for hers instead; Cody at the grocery store who came up three dollars short at the register and insisted on paying her back with dinner. And Paul, the boldest of the bunch, who spotted her in the corner of a bar and offered to buy her a drink if she allowed him to read what she was writing. She kept Paul and gave the others to the pound.

jokes told/taunting travelers

jokes told, laughter shared
children in colorful pants
holding up brick wall

haiku from yesterday (3.11.2006)

frigid water flows
under cracked ice glacier path
taunting travelers

Friday, March 10, 2006

dangerous crossing/balance burdens

dangerous crossing:
rapids roar, back packed heavy,
mind tries for balance

fingers grip doused log
passage over waterfall
must balance burdens

Thursday, March 09, 2006

straw flakes/hazardous air

flurry of straw flakes
clouding blue sky as four arms
shake dust into wind

swirling particles:
irritants to eyes closed tight
to hazardous air

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

humble in prayer

sun's gold highlights paint
leaves green and woman's bowed head
humble in prayer

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006

beyond mountain shore

green sea reigns tan land
currents carved now receded
beyond mountain shore

Sunday, March 05, 2006

stern face half shadowed

stern face half shadowed
features taut as lines in brow
drawn deep by distress

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Friday, March 03, 2006

polishing precious

polishing precious
gold pot with worn rag, girl sits
on sill, soaking sun

Thursday, March 02, 2006

horses, hikers

horses, hikers trudge
white void of snow with packed weight
sky stretches freely

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

young and younger/masculine faces

boys, young and younger,
share safe embrace for picture
yet eyes see through lens

and another...

masculine faces
of the eastern edge cast glow
smiling joy on world