a dwarf* by mj
I slip out for a smoke, a sip of poetry and much needed silence. My tree awaits faithful even after I've gone. I snuggle between the exposed roots, an embrace molded perfectly along my spine and hips. Ah, sanctuary at last. I let the pages fall open and jump in. The words I savor; the rhythm I pursue; the meaning I ponder. Lines beat into my brain; images wrought violently. The smoke smooth in my lungs, exhalations drift to mingle with the dying leaves. Smoke is done; poem is read; reprieve is over. I sigh, switch my brain to mute, and walk back inside.
*a little kitty kat inspired me to compose this "dwarf," a form of flash fiction limited to 101 words, including the title.
*i cheated. it's 105 words.
Damn you... I really want to smoke now. ;P
but no hankering for poetry, eh? it is more satisfying than a cigarette. well, no, not really, i'm just saying that to be supportive of you. ;)
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